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Bar- Ilan Research

Bar-Ilan University is making great strides and significant advances, catapulting the University to the forefront of cutting-edge research and scientific technology. Bar-Ilan students work under the supervision and guidance of world-renowned professors and scientists, so that they can become the next generation of leaders in Israel’s scientific and medical sectors.


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Research at the Gonda Center studies the brain at all levels - from behavior and cognitive processing through detailed mechanisms of information processing in neural circuits, to the analysis of vital molecules within nerve cells. Research approaches cover all techniques from personal interviews, through electro physiology and from molecular biology to abstract mathematical modeling. The Gonda Center attracts new, top-flight researchers from Israel and around the world.

The center is headed by Prof. Alon Korngreen since 2019. The first director and the founder of the center is Prof. Moshe Abeles.


Currently In Development

  • A promising new vaccine for Alzheimer’s patients

  • Gold nano particles for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer and arteriosclerosis

  • Extraordinary contact lenses that may bring sight to the visually impaired

“At Bar-Ilan, I’m mainly continuing my research on multi-robot systems which can be employed in dangerous situations. Robots can work autonomously as a team to achieve a goal together as efficiently as possible.”


Senior Lecture Dept of Computer Science & Cyber Security

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